Sermons by “Rev. Don Ginkel”

The Theology of Seatbelts

I become overwhelmed with that kind of love. It brings me to my knees. It causes me to repent. There’s nobody on the face of the earth that would ever put up with all the evil we’ve done — if they knew about it. If your spouse or a friend knew all those things you’ve thought, all those things you’ve felt on the inside, all those things you were tempted to do — he or she would not put up with you.

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The Type of People God Rescues

God doesn’t rescue those who don’t want to be rescued. Judgement
comes upon those who turn back. Yet, for you and me there is no reason to
turn back. The hellfire and brimstone came down upon Jesus 2,000 years
ago. He was the victim of God’s wrath upon the cross of Calvary. Because
of Jesus we are cleansed of our sins. There is no reason to turn back.
Here’s some good advice: Don’t get too attached to the things of this
world. We’re on a journey. We’re going someplace. Time is passing by. It
won’t be long. Don’t give up now because heaven is just around the corner.
Our Lord is guiding us every step of the way. Yes, sometimes we are weak
and weary. Some of us are burdened down with battle scars. But don’t turn
back now. Take the Lord’s arm. Believe His Word. Rely on His power. It
won’t be long before we’ll be home. And one more thing. Let’s do all we
can to bring our unbelieving friends and relatives to Jesus while there is
still time. It’s vitally important. It’s eternally important.

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Good News for the Loser

There are a thousand and one positive reasons for bringing lost people to Christ. Today that conviction suffers from tired blood. Great numbers of Christians are embarrassed to talk about a person being lost for eternity. To many of us, being lost simply means being lost out in the woods or someplace like that, and we say, “Somebody will find him.” But we fail to remember that when the Good News came to Capernaum, the only way that this paralyzed man received the Good News was that someone recognized the fact that he was lost and that he would stay that way until the Good News touched his life.

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