Traditional Worship

Traditional worship is classic, Christ-centered worship that proclaims God’s truth through the rich heritage of Lutheran liturgy and hymns. This service is designed for you if:

– You love the dignity and reverence of a traditional Lutheran service.

– You appreciate the classically styled Lutheran liturgy of the Lutheran Service Book (think Divine Service 2, page 158 and The Lutheran Hymnal page 15).

– You enjoy worship enhanced by choir, handbells, orchestral instruments and soloists.

– You prefer hymns rather than praise songs and pipe organ rather than guitar or keyboard for congregational singing.

Traditional worship begins at 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning in the sanctuary. We also continue to offer the Saturday evening Traditional service at 5:00 p.m.


Please join us for worship!

A staffed nursery is available from 7:45 am – 12:00 pm each Sunday.


Communion at Ascension