Young Adult Ministry

What are we all about?

We range from college-age students to adults in their thirties. We are students, employees, single, and married. Our goals are to create a community within the church where people of this age can get together socially and for Bible studies. We want to build our faith by delving deep into the Bible and having group discussions. Young adult ministry includes:

• Bringing young adults of varying ages together for Bible studies, social gatherings, and service projects

• Encouraging a deeper look into the Bible and our faith lives

• Participating in and helping with needs of Ascension and in the community

• Creating friendships within the church community

• Enjoying fellowship with people of a similar age and like beliefs

Bible Studies and Social Events

We meet monthly for a Friday evening Bible study and fellowship time. There are other social activities that occur throughout the year. These social events include helping out in the community and at Ascension. During the school year, we also meet for Bible study on Sunday mornings at 9:15.

If you have any questions, please contact the church office at (303) 794-4636 for more information.