ALC Foundation

Ascension Lutheran Church Foundation

“I am the vine, you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in Him, he will bear much fruit…” John 15:5

The Foundation is a registered 501 (c) 3 not for profit corporation and is subject to Federal tax law.  Every member of Ascension Lutheran Church in Littleton Colorado is a member of the Church Foundation. The Foundations mission supports four areas of emphasis: Missions, Outreach, Youth and General Foundation activities as determined by the Board of Directors.


Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Ascension Lutheran Church Foundation is to provide the Ascension community with a highly structured and sustainable organization for managing members personal resources to carry out God’s work now and into the future through missions, outreach, education and Board approved activities.


Our Vision Statement

To provide on-going opportunities for donors to contribute financial assets to the Foundation in the knowledge that they will be managed prudently for God’s work in missions, outreach, education and Board approved activities.


Our Promise Statement

To use all gifts as the Board directs to carry out the Foundation’s priorities as directed by the Board and established by the membership through its support of missions, outreach, education and specially approved Board activities.

It is your Foundations mission to leave an interminable legacy with an unimaginable life expectancy.  The Board of Directors carefully directs your donations to those four areas identified and a small percentage to the established endowment account, which is carefully invested to compound dollars in an effort to grow the ability to support current work and future projects and to carry the Lords word far and wide and well beyond our time.

We invite you to join us in expanding the work of the Foundation and make a financial commitment to the growth of the Foundations General Fund.  Increasing the General Fund generates an increased income stream, which in turn provides additional support for Missions, Education, and Outreach and identified special projects.

Planned giving and memorial gifts are an important part of our income.  These are perpetual gifts, since only a proportion of the interest is spent to keep the gifts ability to keep on giving.  Consider including the Ascension Lutheran Church Foundation in your estate planning through a will, life insurance gift or trust, stocks and bonds, donation of property, a dedicated amount from your IRA, life insurance or investment portfolio and memorials.  Gifts can be restricted if you desire or give directly to the endowment or general fund.

We invite you to join us in expanding the work of the Foundation and make a financial commitment to the growth of the Foundation today.  What ever you give, no matter how small or how large, you will be giving to the Lords work through missions, education, outreach and special projects.  Every dollar, every penny and every prayer is dedicated to God’s work, “Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the Lord –“ 1 Chronicles 29-9.