Our Story

Ascension Lutheran Church began in the spring of 1954 when a few families petitioned the Colorado District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to support a mission church in Littleton. Initially that petition was denied. But the small group was persistent, and on June 6, 1954 the first seeds for the start of a congregation began in the form of a Sunday School. Later that year, on November 28th, the first worship service was held with 52 in attendance. The Rev. Leslie Ludwig was installed as Pastor of this growing flock on March 6, 1955 and Ascension Lutheran Church had its official beginning.
By January 1957, the first building was dedicated, seating 200 folks. Within five years the congregation had grown to 642 members and it was obvious that a larger sanctuary was needed. In January 1962, the original church mortgage was retired and a plan to acquire a new growth mortgage was approved when the new sanctuary plan was approved by the congregation. On March 31, 1963, the expanded sanctuary was built at a cost of $375,000. Dedication Sunday brought over 2,200 people to celebrate the new worship facility.
The congregation has been led by five senior pastors in its history; Pastor Leslie Ludwig served from 1955 until 1966, Pastor Keith Skiles served from 1964 until 1969, Pastor Lawrence Brandt served from 1969 until 1977, Pastor Arnold J. Voigt served Ascension from 1975 until his retirement in 2005, and Pastor John Larson has served since 2005.
The congregation has seen both growth and decline in these past 63 years. We have experienced challenging times and joyful times. In the initial years, growth was fast and constant. Within 10 years of the inception of the church, membership totaled more than 1,600 people. Presently, the congregation has about 600 baptized members. 500 of those baptized also are communicant members. The present congregation is vibrant and has recently seen growth in number and in numerous other ways.
Our history has seen many things built and dedicated, facilities improved and updated. We have seen many people baptized, confirmed, married and instructed. Many babies have been born and too many of our dear friends and family have died. Our history includes, at the very heart, the message of our great God who sent Jesus, the Savior of the world, to bring us the fullness of life both now and forever.
We hope that the history and fellowship of this place can be a part of your history and the history of this community for many years to come!