LWML / Ladies Guild

LWML, 75+  years of equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries…

Ascension’s Ladies Guild is affiliated with the South Central Zone of the Rocky Mountain District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (“LWML”).  All ladies of Ascension are invited to attend meetings and join the Ascension Ladies Guild.  Membership is voluntary.

LWML Mission Statement

The LWML is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (“LCMS”). The LWML is focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Ascension LWML Objectives

To encourage Christian service and fellowship within our congregation; to continue supporting mission projects throughout the world; and to provide assistance when and where needed.

LWML Motto

Serve the Lord with gladness…” Ps. 100:2 (ESV)

Bake/Craft Sale

The Ladies Guild raises funds throughout the year by collecting mites and with special events like the annual Bake/Craft Sale.  The Bake/Craft Sale includes craft items and delicious homemade baked goods donated by Ladies Guild and church members.  In addition, matching financial support is received from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.  The majority of proceeds are distributed to local and foreign missions.

Mites Gathering

Mites are contributions made by members filling mite boxes with pocket change and small denomination bills.  Mite boxes are available to everyone and can be obtained in the church narthex.  The filled boxes can be submitted to the Ladies Guild Treasurer at your convenience.

Scripture says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others…”  1 Peter 4:10a (NIV) and “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Luke 12:34 (NIV).  Let us give our heart and treasure to God through LWML mites.

Circle Ministries

Ascension’s Ladies Guild, in addition to our LWML commitments, provides numerous services to the church and its members through ministries known as “Circle Ministries.”

Circle I: Altar

  • Prepare for communion services and clean-up afterwards.
  • Change paraments as noted by LCMS current calendar year.
  • Repair paraments as needed.
  • Purchase Communion wine, wafers (2 kinds), disposable cups.
  • Clean altar and Communion rail.
  • Keep altar linens cleaned and pressed.
  • Clean and repair Pastor’s robe, Acolytes’ and Elders’ robes.
  • Coordinate service needs with elders.

Circle II: Library

  • Maintain the church’s hymnals and Bibles.
  • Offer for sale Christian cards and gifts.
  • Donate greeting cards to Christian Service Circle.
  • Maintain the library by ordering books and Bible Studies in coordination with the Education Board.
  • Catalog materials donated by members to the library.
  • Distribute the Annual Guild Yearbook.

Circle III: Kitchen

  • Plan and coordinate the Advent and Ash Wednesday Suppers.
  • Prepare and serve the December Staff Appreciation Breakfast.
  • Host receptions as requested by Pastor (New members, LWML Sunday, etc.).

2024-2025 Ascension Ladies Guild/LWML Officers

President: Linda Achziger
Vice-President: OPEN
Secretary: Dorothy Burchett
Treasurer: Athenia Michel

Please contact the church office at (303) 794-4636 if you would like more information about the LWML and Ascension Ladies Guild.


LWML Rocky Mountain District website

LWML website