What We Do

At Ascension we…

Worship together the God we love, honoring Him through our prayers and praises.  God meets us in worship where He blesses, transforms, and empowers us so that we might daily live for Him and with Him.  We continue to worship our Lord throughout the week in our individual and family prayers, songs, and devotions.

Learn together as a family of faith through small group Bible study for all ages, through Sunday School, and personal Bible study. We are confident that God’s powerful Word will lead us to grow and mature in loving Him, in loving those He has placed in our lives, and in serving Him.

Care about each other and set aside time to build and strengthen our relationships with each other. We connect with each other through 1) recreational and communal fellowship, 2) loving mutual support, and in 3) praying for each other.

Share God’s salvation answer given to us in Christ Jesus with as many as possible. We seize the opportunity to share God’s salvation answer in our families, community, workplaces, school and beyond.

Serve our Lord, maximizing the abilities, talents, and financial blessings He has given us to impact others and to demonstrate our love for Him.

Mission Statement

We as members of Ascension and fellow members in the Body of Christ gather around the Word and Sacrament for worship and nurture. Here we receive power to reach out in Christ’s name using our resources to seek and make new disciples while continuing to serve our community and our world.