1. How can Ascension help me if I am interested in pursuing a faith relationship with God for the first time or if I am seeking to renew a relationship with God?

Throughout the year, Ascension offers a New Members class, a small group study that introduces or reintroduces you to the Christian faith and what the Bible says about Jesus Christ and His salvation from a Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod perspective.  This class is an excellent opportunity to build friendships with others who are also pursuing a relationship with the Lord. For more information or registering for the next New Members class contact the church office at (303) 794-4636.

 2. Do you have any nursery or special worship for younger children?

Ascension offers a staffed nursery during all our worship services, as well as the Education Hour on Sundays.

During our Contemporary Worship, children are invited to participate in the Children’s Message during worship.

 3. How do I find out more information about getting married at Ascension?

Here at Ascension all marriages are conducted as a worship service in which God seeks to bless the bride and groom who desire God to be the center of their marriage.   All couples who intend to be married by Pastor John will meet with the pastor in a series of pre-marriage appointments.   Couples who plan to marry in the sanctuary will coordinate matters related to their ceremony with Ascension’s Wedding Coordinator.  For more information contact the church office at (303) 794-4636.

 4. Is Ascension’s facility available for other uses?

Ascension is happy to consider your requests for use of its facilities. Please note that we are unable to honor requests that will result in personal gain to the user or users, as well as requests for events that would compromise Ascension’s beliefs and values. For more information on how to request and reserve our facilities feel free to contact the church office at (303) 794-4636.

 5. What is Ascension’s policy concerning attendance at the Sacrament of Holy Communion?

Guests who are not members of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod or who have questions concerning Holy Communion or the teaching of the Real Presence should speak with the pastor or one of the church elders before communing for the first time.

Have a question not answered here? Send your question to alutheran@aol.com


Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod FAQ