Mark your calendars—On Sunday, the 17th of August, our Ascension Shelter Network will have an August Shower showing our support of the Severe Weather Shelter Network of Littleton. We will be asking for volunteers to sign up for the upcoming winter season as well as asking for supplies to be used this winter and financial support of our efforts. After the late service a lunch will be provided as we collect supplies, answer questions on how you might volunteer, and maybe even make double tie quilts for the homeless. Shower starts at 11 a.m. concluding at 1 p.m.

Supplies needed for the upcoming season are:

Food-soft cereal bars, individual cracker packets/variety of flavors, individual pull top fruit cups/applesauce, individual instant oatmeal cups, lunch size bags of chips, plastic spoons, napkins and paper towels.

  • We will need 30 gallon black plastic trash bags that need to have strong enough mil thickness to hold our overnight guests personal items.
  • Hygiene kit items: travel sizes of shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, hand     sanitizer, packets of wet wipes that will be divided into smaller packets to be put into baggies.
  • We hope to have enough fleece material (2.5 yard lengths of 56” wide) to make up blankets for our guests. So, ladies, if you are good customers with a local fabric shop please see if they can help us out and bring your cutting tools/scissors, measuring tapes, and cutting mats on Sunday, the 17th, so we can tie quilts.
  • A $15 contribution buys a sleeping mat (goal is 200 mats). We also need large bath towels that our guests will use as pillows, and foam earplugs from Walgreens called “extreme protection/noise reduction.”

We are in need of someone to head up our food effort that will work with our 7 daily food servers and monitor our food website to insure that we will have food available for our guests.

If you have any questions please contact Jim Finnessy by email at or

563-370- 0997 or visit with Mary Farley, our Ascension Coordinator for Partnering Churches or David Kennedy, our Ascension Volunteer Coordinator.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 17th of August for the Shower!