Capital Campaign

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God – II Corinthians 9:11

At its August 2023 meeting, the Ascension Church Council voted to use remaining funds in the Project Peter account, plus additional funds from last year’s budget surplus, to pay off the LCEF loan for the West Wing Renovation.  The adjustable rate loan balance was down to roughly $5,200.00.

The Project Peter capital account will remain open for donations as we begin planning for two upcoming major projects on the property.  First, the roofs will need replacement due to recent hail damage.  An insurance claim will be filed and hopefully fund the bulk of that cost.  Secondly, the Bell Tower structure is in disrepair and will be removed this spring.  We thank everyone for their generous assistance in paying off our renovation loan!